Saturday 31 August 2013

Hakuouki ~Bakumatsu Musouroku~

Welp I'm reviewing another Hakuouki game, another one which is another fandisk to milk the series again, it's an action fighting game, where you control the historical bishie you want and go along with their wonderful story. Basically I'm only gonna write a story and not go through the whole story since it's far too difficult to uinderstand in the end. There are 2 stories, Bakumatsu Kaisouroku and Bakumatsu Musouroku. The first one is actually the main Hakuouki, and the latter is a brand new story and more historical bishies. More information under the cut.
The game has 4 levels, Easy, Normal, Hard and Demon., and Demon can only be unlocked after clearin all 3 routes. You get experience for every person you kill, and thats not a problem in levelling. The max level cap is 70, which I never made it too, since I felt it was a waste of time doing so. So you just go around and start killing people like that:

And you can unleash out their bad ass moves and there will be some kind out effect like this:

Basically it's just for milking the series as you can see, and there;s actually no real purpose in this game? I mean look at the graphics:

An then we still have the 'cool' menus for appeal (but yeah it's milking):

Firstly, the fighting system and the levelling system is boring, and a pro gamer would directly say, they wouldn't want to waste their time and effort in to this. Well the good thing is we're not talking about Pro Fighting games, since this is an otome and it was designed for girls. Well the problem is, your historical bishies' stats won't change; you get what you have, and the attack and defend power can only be increased through equipment. Well the main problem si that this causes the weaker characters like Heisuke, to be very difficult to play. Don't even mention the minion spawn rate. The spawn rate gets extremely high as you go along in the difficulty, which is dumb. Buck up Otomate. Lastly, you get pictures of different scenes, and its pretty much like in the style of the anime so no merits at all. Tip: Don't blow your cash on this game either. 

So thanks for listening to my long rant so have some Saitou fanservice: